Let’s Talk Cooking!

Let’s talk cooking . . .

I LOVE to cook and my husband loves to grill so we usually are happy to eat at home most nights. It works out well for us, because aside from the occasional grilled ribs (one of my favorites!) or smoked pork butt I do all the cooking. My hubs is a lucky man and I’m sure it’s one of the reasons he married me. Kidding! I didn’t cook as much before we got married, funny how they say things don’t really change after getting married but here’s an example of something that did change.

Any way Just thought I’d share some of the things I’ve been cooking up lately. Most are not too difficult at all. Some are recipes I found on pinterest, some I’ve had, and some came from emeals. Have you guys ever heard of emeals. I found it on a groupon a while ago and it’s fabulous!! What they do is pretty much plan out your meals for you and organize your shopping list and they do it by sales I believe. You have options of menus between regular, low fat, low carb, etc. We do Low Carb for 2 people and I picked Walmart because we have on of their neighborhood markets quite close to us. So every Wednesday they email you a new weekly menu and shopping list. The entire list is usually under $75 how fab is that!! That’s 7 meals for about $10 a piece, that’s hard to beat!! One week of meals actually usually lasts us about a week and half because of leftovers or eating at my parents when my Mom invites us. Go check it out you won’t regret it!

Here’s an example of what the menu looks like, 
It’s so simple to follow!

Here’s the shopping list! This weeks list is actually only $55 total

Now for some of the great things that I’ve been cooking up lately:
This is Honey Beer Bread. I heard of this on my cousins blog and it just sounded so good! I had to look it up immediately and make it and it was well worth it!!

This deliciousness is a Mac and Cheese Muffin I saw on pinterest. Now not all pinterest recipes are a success but these definitely were. I’ve made them twice now. The second time I used whole wheat flour and they were still great!

Here’s the inside of the muffins you actually put a large pasta shell in the center!

This is from emeals and is an Eggplant Casserole. I prefer to call it Eggplant lasagna, think lasagna with eggplant in place of the  noodles! It was awesome and lasted for about 3 meals!

Another emeals success was this dish which is called Chicken Caprese. It’s made by placing tomato and spices ontop of the chicken then wrapping it all in bacon and melting cheese on top! This was another that we will be sure to make again!

In a future blog I will show you how I made some of these, but for now if you want any of these recipes let me know and I’ll send them your way!! 

1 thought on “Let’s Talk Cooking!”

  • mac and cheese muffins!!!! those look SO GOOD! we made that honey beer bread yesterday. i somehow forgot about it for a while, it will be back in high rotation now! i love it! the e meals thing is really cool!

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