Tag: Diy

Welcome to my new home!

Welcome to my new home!

Hello, I’ve decided that I want to start blogging again. I never actually planned to stop but you know life happens! And lots has happened in the last 2 years since my last post about our trip to Asia. Haven’t taken any more awesome trips 

Easy Ways to dress up your Patio

Easy Ways to dress up your Patio

When I bought my first house in 2010 it had a nice little brick patio next to the carport. The house had hadn’t been lived in for over a year and everything was over grown, so we had to do a little digging to find 

Creating Raised Garden Beds

Creating Raised Garden Beds

I’ve always wanted to be the person who’s grows their own vegetables. In cute little raised garden beds in the backyard, when it was time to cook I could just walk out back and grab my ingredients. I remember summers growing up where we headed